Monday, August 31, 2009

Handsome Hubby Preachin' to the Choir (Ladies)

Yesterday Rob stepped into Pastor Steve's pulpit for the first time as an Army Chaplain. His sermon was "Church on Fire" and let me just say he was on fire.

Before Pastor Steve found out he was deploying, he had intended to do a mock pinning ceremony with Rob at church. He really wanted the youth to see that you could still be a tough guy and a strong Christian at the same time. Well, when Pastor was called into service plans changed a bit.

First, Rob was asked to preach so the Youth Pastor and his wife could take one last vacation before their first baby arrives in a few weeks. Second, Rob was asked to preach as an Army Chaplain to help remind everyone of just how important military chaplains are to the troops when they are fighting enemies of our country (and those of our allies) and the enemies of Christ.

Well, let me tell you, the minute Rob walked into the sancuary, every woman over the age of 40 was focused on him. Men of course, respect him for so many reasons, but the ladies--to say Rob had their rapt attention was an understatement. As soon as we can find our camera cord to download photos you will all see the big smiles of all the ladies.

It was actually very touching, and I mean literally, these ladies couldn't keep their hands off him. I do have to say he is VERY handsom in his uniform!

Rob started his sermon with a little history of the chaplaincy and stated how he wore the best rank in the world--The Rank of God, right on his collar! He went on to give such a great sermon and he really did hit a home run with the choir ladies. They can always be counted on to give an "AMEN" and "Praise the Lord" when you need one. His Church on Fire sermon was such an uplifting one, and certainly applies to Crown Point!

When all was said and done, so many people came up to him after service and thanked him for a great message. Pastor Steve's wife, Gloria has been such a boost to both of us and can always be counted on to keep us lifted in prayer. I know without doubt a big part of the day's success was Rob's preparation and prayerful thought, and Gloria's targeted prayer.

We went home after church and crashed for a few hours before heading back for an AWESOME concert. One Hope is a group of three women with the voices of angels! Mariam, Karen and Patty rocked the house and filled our hearts with songs of praise for our Lord. Their songs make those of us who aren't the best singers feel like the beauty can stick even if it is only in our minds.

Yes, I am speaking of myself. This girl who grew up in a Catholic church, with a big pipe organ and opera singers actually gets up into the choir to sing...and I do it next to the tamborine lady. God works in the most mysterious ways and yet again, I am proof. I sing with joy because I love the words, but I am always thinking to myself, "self, how did I get here?" Oh well, Suzanne (tamborine lady) always smiles when I get into the choir loft and often threatens to have me use the shaker. I'll probably miss her the most in the choir, for just that reason--she scares me. And, I love her for that!

That's all from the swamp for now. Preachin' and a teachin', rockin' and a rollin'.


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