Rob's was one of six packages that were pushed to the June Board as they had many packages to discuss. We are remaining hopeful that everything will go through in June as this will keep us on our very roughly outlined schedule. Rob is starting to get a little push-back from his current unit which is unfortunate, but we are certain things will work themselves out in the traditional hurry up and wait military way.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers! All Rob really wants to do is to be there for the young men and women who serve our country. He has been where they are headed and I cannot think of a better person to give them perspective on the situation they face-physically, emotionally and most important, spiritually!
We know we are on God's time and will strive for patience (Rob will strive even harder) as we wait for another month.
In the meantime, Rob has been teaching a fantastic bible study on Wednesday nights. It is great to see him just diving into his lesson plans when he gets home from work each night. I see the stresses of the day slowly easing their way out of his mind as he delves into God's word.
More information as we get our updates. That's all for now from the Swamp. Back to making a warm dinner for tonight with friends. It is so chilly and rainy outside. Only 60 degrees and quite windy here today. I know, I know, we are total wimps. Maybe I'll even dig out the flannel sheets for a cozy night's sleep. ;-)
Much love- Muff