Eleni (aka "The Bug") and I took a trip up to visit our friends Doug and Margot in Columbus, GA this week. She loves her Auntie Margot and Uncle Dougie. Yes, I know she isn't a child, she is a "furkid" and that's how we roll. The bug is so fun to travel with since all she really wants to do is be wherever her people are. She has her own booster seat for the car. This Chi-wa rides in style baby!
We left Daddy at home to fend for himself. So he stayed over on base two nights to work with the students in his block. For those of you who are not familiar with what Rob currently is doing in the Air Force---he teaches weather students who will attach to Army units how to do their jobs without getting shot! His eyesight is improving a bit each day.
Last night he had the students out in jungle doing night driving and getting them aquainted with NVG's (night vision goggles)so they can see things go bump in the night. Rob put them on and was able to see what his vision will look like once his eyes totally heal. I'm not sure how he was able to figure all that out, but he said it was crystal clear. I guess that means he'll be walking around like the guy in Silence of the Lambs with NVG's on during the daytime. I'm such a lucky girl.
Back to the girls in Georgia. I was fortunate enough to be able to go to a PEO meeting for Chapter AI. Margot hosted the meeting at her home and I made my first chocolate cheesecake and topped it with pecan pralines. PEO's and food is always a good combination. The President of the chapter is from the Detroit area so we had a nice time sharing Motown stories. All-in-all, what a fantastic group of ladies! PEO is a great philanthropic organization promoting education for women. It is such a huge relief to know that wherever Rob and I end up, there will always be a chapter of sisters ready to help me get settled.
Since I was in the Ft. Benning area for a few days, and they are #1 on our dream list for Rob's first assignment as a Chaplain, I thought I would try to get familiar with the turf. Margot and I ventured onto base and proceeded to check out all the fun Army stuff. Since I didn't want to jinx anything until we know for sure that all is a done deal, I just took a mental inventory of the things that are now waiting for my return. I was hoping to meet up with a couple of the Chaplains who work with Doug, the Brigade Surgeon for the 3rd ID, but struck out.
Ft. Benning is huge and home of the Infantry! Part of the base is in Georgia and part of it is in Alabama. I have to say it was the first time I actually saw a tank moving...kind of cool. Margot and I were miles away from parts of the base that had artilery going off and it sounded like thunder rolling in. Very cool! Then we continued on our Thelma and Louise day at the base. We went over to the golf course and popped into the pro shop to see what they had to offer in the way of women's wear--NOTHING. Well, one thing let to another and the Head PGA Golf Pro offered me a job if Rob gets orders for Ft. Benning. I didn't see that coming, but it sure is nice to have in my back pocket for right now.
Tomorrow, March 13th, is a big day for Rob and I as we were engaged in St. Augustine four years ago during Bike Week and was an awesome day. We were on a balcony at Harry's overlooking the inter coastal and the Lion's Bridge. It is always fun to see the balcony whenever we are in the oldest city in the country. I promised to be home early so we can celebrate. With that, I will sign off for now. Momma and the Bug need to visit with the Dudewiczes a little bit longer then hit the hay.
Cross your fingers we get Ft. Benning, we are hoping to hear something any day now!
Muff and The Bug